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Accessibility Policy  

CFN Precision is a trusted world class Aerospace manufacturer specializing in complex precision machined components, kits and assemblies for landing gear and aircraft structures.

We are committed to treating people with disabilities in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We believe in integration and we are committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner. We will do so by removing and preventing barriers to accessibility and meeting our accessibility requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and Ontario’s accessibility laws.. Our goal is to ensure that the Policy and related practices and procedures are consistent with the following four core principles:
1.      Dignity - Persons with a disability must be treated as valued customers who are as deserving of service as any other customer. 

2.      Equality of Opportunity - Persons with a disability should be given an opportunity equal to that given to others to obtain, use, and benefit from our goods and services. 

3.      Integration - Where possible, persons with a disability should benefit from our goods and services in the same place and in the same or similar manner as any other customer. 

4.      Independence - Goods and services must be provided in a way that respects the independence of persons with a disability. To this end, we will always be willing to assist a person with a disability but will not do so without the express permission of the person. 

Service Animals

Any customer that requires a service animal will be allowed to have the service animal accompany him/her to any area within CFN Precision office location that is accessible to customers or the general public.  Animals are considered service animals if it is readily apparent that the animal is used by the person for reasons related to his or her disability; or the person provides a letter from a physician or nurse confirming that the person requires the animal for reasons related to the disability. 

 If the Company becomes aware that the presence of any service animal adversely affects the health of any employee or member of the public, every effort will be made to ensure that both the health and safety rights of the individuals and the accessibility rights of customer are met.  If no solution can be reached to meet both goals, the health and safety of any individual will take priority and the Company will find an alternate means to provide the service to the customer or member of the public.

Support Person

Any customer or member of the public that requires a support person will be allowed to have the support person accompany him/her to any area within CFN Precision that is accessible to customers. Support persons are identified as such if it is readily apparent that the person is providing assistive support  to someone with a disability; or the person provides a letter from a physician or nurse confirming that the person requires the support person for reasons related to the disability. 

If the customer is attending training or any other meeting that includes the company providing meals, we shall also provide for any support person. All customers or member of the public will be required to wear proper personal protective equipment when entering the warehouse facility.

Assistive Devices

Customers or the general public with a disability are permitted, where possible, to use their own assistive device when on our premises.  Examples of an assistive device include a walking cane or hearing aid.

If there is a physical, technological or other type of barrier that prevents the use of an Assistive Device on our premises, we will first try to remove that barrier. If we are not able to remove the barrier, we will ask the person how he/she can be accommodated and what alternative methods of service would be more accessible to him/her. We will make best efforts to provide an alternative means of assistance to the person with a disability.

We are committed to training staff and volunteers in Ontario’s accessibility laws and aspects of the Ontario Human Rights Code that relate to persons with disabilities.

We will train our employees and volunteers on accessibility as it relates to their specific roles.

The training is part of new hire orientation for those staff hired into customer service and/or customer interaction roles.

Information and Communications

We will communicate with people with disabilities in ways that take into account their disability. When asked, we will provide information about our organization and its services, including public safety information, in accessible formats or with communication supports.

We will also meet internationally recognized Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA website requirements in accordance with Ontario’s accessibility laws.

Recruitment and Employment

We will notify employees, potential hires and the public that accommodations can be made during recruitment and hiring.

We will notify staff that supports are available for those with disabilities. We will put in place a process to develop individual accommodation plans for employees.

Where needed, we will also provide customized emergency information to help an employee with a disability during an emergency.

Our performance management, career development and redeployment processes will take into account the accessibility needs of all employees.

Design of Public Spaces

We will meet accessibility laws when building or making major changes to public spaces. Public spaces include:

  • Public eating areas such as internal cafeterias or picnic areas

  • Accessible parking

  • Service-related waiting areas

We will put procedures in place to prevent service disruptions to our accessible parts of our public spaces.

Changes to existing policies

We will modify or remove an existing policy that does not respect and promote the dignity and independence of people with disabilities.

Continuous Improvement

The initiatives in place reflect the requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disability Act. We recognize that we cannot anticipate, and thus remove, all barriers.  Therefore, CFN Precision has implemented a process by which individuals can provide feedback specific to any experience related to accessing our services by contacting human resources by phone or e-mailing 

All complaints will be responded to within five working days with either (a) a resolution or (b) an update as to the steps that have been taken and/or may be taken if feasible, along with a timeframe in which further communication from the Company can be expected.  A copy of each correspondence will be retained by the CEO who will recommend continuous improvement initiatives on an ongoing basis.

This policy, including the training and feedback process, will be reviewed as necessary. This policy is available on our website and can be provided to any member of the public upon request.

CFN Precision Ltd

1000 Creditstone Road
Concord, ON L4K 4P8  CANADA

Toll Free : 877-669-8191
Phone     : 905-669-8191

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Copyright © 2017 CFN. All Rights Reserved. CFN Precision Ltd. is a subsidiary of SPP Canada Aircraft, Inc. 

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